• Everyday Early Rise & Shine

    Seems inexplicably waking up at night after 4 to 5 hours is becoming a habit. Not sure why, but it kind of is what it is. Waste of time to try to get back to sleep, so rise and shine and a nap later it is.

    Having to work extra hours, time to actually do anything seems more precious. Trying to decrease buffer/chill time between tasks until caught up money-wise. Noticeably raises stress though; not somewhere to stay long-term. Space to breathe and enjoy the moment with no significant input or effort is important to well-being. This is the core of vacation’s appeal, but I would much rather balance everyday life rather than binge well-being.

    Speaking of bingeing, I think anytime I get snacks that are bingeable (white cheddar popcorn, mixed nuts, SunChips, and oatmeal squares some of my biggest offenders 🙄) I should divy ’em up into measured packets or containers before letting them anywhere near my mouth. Snack bingeing is not stopping or reversing my weight cut, but is definitely slowing it down.