

  • Many First World people think a “better life” only comes from material conditions because they have no perspective of anything different socially than a vacuous and shallow preoccupation with said conditions, which is everywhere around them at all times and drives the vast majority of their actions. With that as their basis for what thought and communication is, it is no wonder they place little value in those things.

    But our thoughts and communications alone not only have the power to transform any situation but define what every situation is in the first place. Only those who have gotten a taste of and glimpsed the life-changing potential of rich inner worlds driven by empathy, compassion, logic, and deep, probing honesty mutually shared come to understand the very real difference our words, inside and out, can make on every single moment we’re alive.

    But as it is broadly, too few people value these things, else thinkers, philosophers, poets, and artists wouldn’t over and over again through history languish in some mix of poverty and suffering, only mined of their wisdom in retrospect, posthumously.